You have the solution: Take action!

Abdelhamid Niati
2 min readMay 10, 2020


Weak resources and major problems. It is in this context that frugal innovation comes to life. Create what you have on hand and know how to do it. In this period of convid19, the richest countries have rediscovered this type of innovation reserved for the poorest countries in terms of material wealth. The cradle of humanity excels in this area because there are many “pain points” but there are solutions to all problems. The Covid-19 is more than just a problem and there is no limit to creativity. The neighborhood is reinvented, just like work. Companies and individuals adapt and manufacture because they cannot buy insufficient shade. Like this Parisian pharmacist who manufactures Hydroalcoholic Gel in the street.

There are those who speak and those who act. To get moving, humanity has just come up that it was ready to move mountains.

Responding to difficulties is the key to your business. Why?

For one reason: you are sure to have the solution and to have watched what others have ignored. In the manner of a Georges Perec who wrote what no one saw, you find the solution to the problems because you look at what has become normal and yet which is completely abnormal. By force, the difficulty has become inevitable. Except for death, there is no fatality, so the solution is always there before your eyes and in a corner of your mind to then take the monopoly. From this moment you will work to materialize the solution and make it available to the greatest number.

What is an invention worth if you alone benefit from it?

Nothing just a gadget you will get tired of.

Innovation and knowledge are only worth it if they are shared and adopted by the greatest number. Everyone can innovate and innovate every day and more precisely when the possibilities are rare and the difficulties numerous. You have to outdo yourself and it’s written in your DNA: humans are programmed to move forward!

Take action: Observe, Plan, Execute!

PS: Don’t forget to tell what you do and why you do it. Storytelling is your ally

Abdelhamid Niati -All Rights reserved



Abdelhamid Niati

Writer, content manager and business coach. I am also the Head of people and the Content Manager for a non profit organisation created in Africa.