Entrepreneur? Some Bases.
Entrepreneur is sometimes a trendy term that can mean everything and nothing simultaneously.
You’ll often hear or read: “It’s all about mindset!”
But here’s the truth: mindset drives technique. If technique is absent, what can mindset achieve on its own?
Rule #1
Stay true to yourself and build the product or service you believe in wholeheartedly.
Rule #2
Study the market. Observe it, since it, understands its needs and expectations. When a need isn’t met, it transforms into an emotion, often manifesting unpleasantly. We feel the weight of that emotion. It controls us and tries to tell us something. It’s a dialogue, like this:
Fear: If you launch this service, it’s guaranteed to flop.
Me (trembling): I’m sure it can work.
Fear: Look at the others. They’re all better than you.
Me: She’s right. I give up.